Executive Roadmap to Fraud Prevention and Internal Control

Creating a Culture of Compliance

by Martin T. Bieglman , Joel T. Bartow

Number of pages: 416

Publisher: Wiley

BBB Library: Economics and Investment

ISBN: 9780471739272

About the Authors

Martin T. Bieglman : Martin Biegelman has been investigating and preventing fraud and corruption for


Joel T. Bartow :


Editorial Review

Arresting every fraudster and punishing him are very expensive and require a lot of unavailable human and financial resources. The damaging effects of fraud would not be reversed, nor would lost assets or reputations be restored when fraud is discovered. It is economically more feasible to prevent fraud than to detect and correct it. Thus, having internal controls that are proactive rather than reactive is no longer a good business practice; it is mandatory.c

Book Reviews

"Martin Biegelman and Joel Bartow bring to this impressive work a combined 50 years of public- and private-sector experience in detecting, investigating, and preventing fraud and white-collar fraud." Questia

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Statement on Auditing Standards requires an auditor to plan and perform an audit in order to determine whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.

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As a result of the massive recent accounting frauds, the Congresses had to have a firm response.