If you Want It Done Right, You Don’t Have to Do It Yourself

The Power of Effective Delegation

by Donna m. Genett

Number of pages: 112

Publisher: Quill Driver Books

BBB Library: Leadership

ISBN: 9781884956324

About the Author

Psychologist Donna M. Genett, Ph.D., is an organization development consultant and the president of GenCorp Consulting, a national consulting firm. She had devoted the past sixteen years to making a significant, positive impact on organizations and the professional lives of the employees in them.


Editorial Review

In this delightful, quick to read, business management allegory, Donna M. Genett Ph.D., uses an entertaining narrative about identical cousins, James and Jones, to introduce her successful six-step program for effective delegation.   Whether you are the one delegating or the one being delegated to, implementing these six steps is guaranteed to lighten your workload and give you more time to focus on what's really important--on and off the job.

Book Reviews

"Genett suggests the system works both ways. If their manager delegates poorly, employees can stop the process and ask for the critical details they need. The more employees step into the process, the more the company as a whole will benefit." Remodeling.hw.net

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Wisdom to Share

I evaluate my team members’ individual strengths and opportunities, and I consider their interests and personal goals, too. We talk about these things, one-on-one, and I try to divide up the work accordingly. I delegate.

Clearly define and describe each task. Be specific.

Clearly define the time frame within which the task must be completed.

Define the level of authority along with the task.

The authority to recommend: research options and propose the best alternative. Use this level when I want input before making a decision.

The authority to inform and initiate: research and select the best course of action; inform me why it’s best; initiate the selection. Use this level when I want someone to inform me before he or she takes action so I can intercept potential problems.

The authority to act: Full authority to act with respect to the task or project. Use this level when I am confident of someone’s capabilities and risks are minimal.