Manufacturing Morals

The Values of Silence in Business School Education

by Michel Anteby

Number of pages: 248

Publisher: University Of Chicago Press

BBB Library: Education

ISBN: 9780226092478

About the Author

Anteby is associate professor and a Marvin Bower fellow in the organizational behavior unit at Harvard Business School.


Editorial Review

Manufacturing Morals demonstrates how faculty and students are exposed to a system that operates on open-ended directives that require significant decision-making on the part of those involved, with little overt guidance from the hierarchy. Anteby suggests that this model—which tolerates moral complexity—is perhaps one of the few that can adapt and endure over time. Manufacturing Morals is a perceptive must-read for anyone looking for insight into the moral decision-making of today’s business leaders and those influenced by and working for them.

Book Reviews

"His latest book tackles the subject in an unusual way: by studying the inner workings of his own employer." Forbes

"Anteby’s book does as it says: it examines the values of silence in a particular business school setting." Sage Pub

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Between abstract morals and concrete individuals lie intermediary groups entrusted withensuring proper socialization into those shared understandings.

Morals are shared understandings in which humans’ highest aspirations and dreams come to fulfillment, and the underpinnings of many, if not all, collective human pursuits.