It's comforting to imagine that superstars in their fields were just born better equipped than the rest of us. When a co-worker loses 20 pounds, or a friend runs a marathon while completing a huge project at work, we assume they have more grit, more willpower, more innate talent, and above all, more motivation to see their goals through.The Motivation Myth overturns the beloved (but false) idea that motivation leads to success, and offers practical advice that anyone can use to stop stalling and start working on their dreams.
This might sound familiar to you, you start each workday with a lengthy list of tasks, there’s a lot to do, but you are confident that every item can be completed. Then something unexpected comes up. Next thing you know, the day is almost over. You work hard at a frantic
There comes a time in the lives of those destined for greatness when they must stand before the mirror of meaning and ask, Why, having been endowed with the courageous heart of a lion, do we live like mice? We must look squarely into our own tired eyes and examine why
Getting Things Done inspires you to put all this into a new behavior set that will blow your mind. This is a vaccination against day-to-day fire-fighting, the so-called urgent and crisis demands of any given work, and an antidote for the imbalance many people bring upon themselves: that is how people