The Personality Code

Unlock the Secret To Understanding Your Boss, Your Colleagues, Your Friends And Yourself

by Travis Bradberry

Number of pages: 224

Publisher: Putnam

BBB Library: Psychology and Strengths, Personal Success

ISBN: 9780399154119

About the Author

Travis Bradberry is an American author on the subject of emotional intelligence. He is a frequent contributor to Forbes.


Editorial Review

The assumption has always been made that the choices we make in life are based on the circumstances provided at the time of the choice. As much as it may feel that we are weighing out the facts in front of us, our actions are actually dictated by the motivations of our personality. A case study tells us the story of a young man who lived in a semi-conscious state for nearly two decades after a motor accident; his personality lay dormant for nearly twenty years. His recoverybesides being truly rarerevealed that he woke up from his state to have the same motivations, preferences and strengths that he had prior to his accident. And while our physical being changes with age, our personality doesn’t. But the real power of personality is: knowing your strengths and tendencies and of others around you, and making them work for you.

Book Reviews

"The Personality Code clearly and persuasively demonstrates how personality determines why we do what we do and how we can maximize our strengths, work smarter with others, and profit from better relationships in our careers." Down Pour

"The book was a good read—held your interest and the comparisons made in the stories were fascinating." Paramus Post

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