The Situational Leader

by Dr. Paul Hersey

Number of pages: 128

Publisher: Warner Business Books

BBB Library: Business Classics

ISBN: 978-0446513425

About the Author

Dr. Paul Hersey is an internationally known behavioral, recognized by business leaders around the world as one of the outstanding authorities on training and human resource development. His research at the Center for Leadership Studies led to the development of the Situational Leadership® Model.


Editorial Review

The key to being an effective manager is leadership. Woody Allen says that success in life is “… 20% timing and 80% just showing up.” People usually “show up” in leadership situations. But leadership success is much more than just showing up. It is the application of tested concepts and the “timing” skills necessary to get things done. It’s a full-time job in which every minute must be spent wisely. The strategy presented will help you maximize results when working with people. Real-life situation are never static. They’re in a constant state of change. Things are either getting better or getting worse.

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Wisdom to Share

Leadership is any attempt to influence the behavior of another individual or group.

Management is working with and through others to accomplish organizational goals.

Leadership style is the patterns of behavior (words and actions) of the leader as perceived by others.

Task behavior is the extent to which the leader engages in spelling out the duties and responsibilities of an individual or group.