42 Rules for Creating We

A Hands-On, Practical Approach to Organizational Development, Change and Leadership Best Practices

by Judith E. Glaser

Number of pages: 162

Publisher: Super Star Press

BBB Library: Communication, Operations Management

ISBN: 9781607730484

About the Author

Glaser is a sought after keynote speaker, and a renowned executive coach and innovation specialist helping leaders rethink strategies, new products and services, leverage mergers and acquisitions, and create new business models that drive profitability and growth.


Editorial Review

In this leadership book, 42 Rules for Creating WE offers new insights from thought leaders in neuroscience, organizational development, and brand strategy, introducing groundbreaking practices for bringing the spirit of WE to any organization, team or cause.

Book Reviews

"42 Rules for Creating WE is based on the newest research from an emerging field called the 'Neuroscience of WE'."Humiliation Studies

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Wisdom to Share

We need to give each other the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity.

We need to give each other space in order to give & receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy healing & inclusion.

There is no such thing as a 'self-made' man. We are made up of thousands of others.

When people can see their role in the fulfillment of that future, you get the force of 'WE'.

The future you envision gives you your experience now.

Creating profound results can be as simple as shifting your focus from weaknesses to strengths.

WE-centric leaders must build frameworks for their teams that create tensile strength and establish fresh new benchmarks for success.

When we put our attention on what gives us passion, we catalyze growth in ourselves and trigger the Growth Instinct in others.

Pay attention to finding experiences that inspire you with passion & excitement and they will help you attend to the future in new ways.

When trying to achieve a WE-centric culture, it's important to drive consistent & value-driven behaviors.

Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to achieve uncommon results.

Conversations connect us to each other, and enable us to share and compare our views, feelings, insights and wisdom.

Owning your opinions & helping others own theirs will minimize pointless battles of opinions, strained relationships & faulty decisions.

In order to create 'WE', shared meaning of common language must be established.

Recognizing & supporting your team’s varying needs creates an environment where the 'WE' becomes bigger than the sum of the 'I's.

Coming to a shared understanding can avert conflicts and all sorts of negative consequences.

It takes courage to see more than the outer shell of a person and journey inward to inspire their hearts, minds and souls.

A fundamental principle of creating 'WE' is that all perspectives are valid; not right or wrong.

Listening to connect brings people into our lives in a meaningful way by promoting mutual sharing and discovery.

Our beliefs drive our intentions, our intentions drive our actions, and our actions drive the results we achieve with others.

Great leaders in all domains know the power of presence and use that capacity to perform at levels far beyond average achievement.

The benefits of relating to others through shared accountability and openness far outweigh the risks.

WE-centric thinking holds that we are all part of something bigger than ourselves.

Forgiveness practices promote a WE-centric community built upon appreciative discovery, generative thinking & team synergy.

If we learn to refrain from trying to change others or to impose our truths on others, something positive and amazing happens.

The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them. Leading with trust invites trust.

We each cast a powerful shadow that impacts every soul we meet throughout the day.

If we all strive to seek a higher elevation, imagine what our world can look like!

If we can catch a “bad mood virus”, we can transmit one too or we can radiate a "great mood virus". The choice is ours.

When we need to create a 'WE' spirit across a large group, we need to think in terms of small sub-teams, generally 5-9 people.

'Yes' responses from our colleagues enable us to think more creatively and be more innovative.

We are like snowflakes; no two alike.

We need and want to be connected to others.

Our authentic sense of self, and in turn our sense of 'WE', generates from being part of and giving to something bigger.

Increasingly, organizations must adapt to people working offsite, from home or in remote locations.

Latest neuroscience research demonstrates that human beings are social beings.

The WE-centric leaders must continuously strive to mine the gifts and potential contributions of each team member.

When we seek to mine for value, we endow meaning to each member beyond their function & inspire them to contribute their full potential.

WE-centric leadership in twelve words or less is: maximize the individual, create a community of people and define the purpose.

The most sustainable practices today focus on how each person's unique capabilities combine with their passions and values.

The most successful businesses recognize that every person in the company can be a leader.

When we are able to step into each other's shoes & appreciate the world from each other's prospective, everything changes.

Difficult conversations are challenging, yet when one 'I' meets another 'I' in candor and caring, they form a perfect 'WE'.

There is an 'I' in team. And the faster we recognize that, the faster we will succeed at creating 'WE'.

Try to connect with positive feelings by recalling experiences that easily and reliably make you feel good.

Negative emotions can play a powerful role in our relationships with others.

Selfless leaders build a strong 'WE' by first being selfish enough to ensure they are an effective I.

Once we take care of our own needs, we become more open to listen and pay attention to others: we become selfless.

Giving with no expectation of return gets a good life. It will also get you a better world; one in which we all look out for one another.

Giving with no expectation of return comes from a proactive abundance mentality.

Some rules are meant to be broken, especially when it comes to 'Creating WE'.