Provocatively titled, Disrupting Class is just what America's K-12 education system needs--a well thought-through proposal for using technology to better serve students and bring our schools into the 21st Century. Unlike so many education 'reforms, ' this is not small-bore stuff. For that reason alone, it's likely to be resisted by defenders of the status quo, even though it's necessary and right for our kids. According to recent studies in neuroscience, the way we learn doesn't always match up with the way we are taught. If we hope to stay competitive—academically, economically, and technologically—we need to rethink our understanding of intelligence, reevaluate our educational system, and reinvigorate our commitment to learning. In other words, we need disruptive innovation.
Much of the most important research that has contributed to the advancement of knowledge and enrichment of human life historically has been conducted in colleges and universities. In the years following World War II, increasing prosperity and enlightened government policies led to rapidly expanding undergraduate programs that created new opportunities for
No generation can escape the responsibility of deciding what students should learn by analyzing what adults are called upon to do. In the old days, people were taught to do simple calculations, write letters, and read. As farming grew in complexity, schools in rural areas began teaching vocational agriculture. With the
This book encourages a more effective role of the educators in the class through powerful strategies and techniques. The problems educators face today are about the vision and possibility that can be brought forth to make education work. These problems are, to a large degree, symptoms. Many teachers, especially new ones,
Teaching at its best can be a generative act, one of the ways in which human beings try to cheat death by giving witness to the next generation so that what we have learned in our own lives doesn’t die with us. At its core, a college should be a place
DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs and the Coming Transformation of Higher Education is about the future of higher education. It’s a story about the communities of visionaries who are tackling the enormous challenges of cost, access, and quality in higher ed, using new technologies to bring us a revolution in higher learning that
The core idea of this book is simple: institutions of learning can be designed and run as learning organizations. In other words, schools can be made sustainably vital and creative, not by fiat or command or by regulation or forced rankings, but by adopting a learning orientation. This means involving everyone
There is near-universal agreement that schools must find ways to transform older teaching practices in order to harness the tools that students have at their disposal today. This book introduces you to many of the most useful tools and concepts for an education setting so that you can decide, along with
Eradicate Average! CULTURIZE Your School. Average schools don't inspire greatness--and greatness is what our world needs if we are going to produce world-changing learners. In Culturize, author and education leader Jimmy Casas shares insights into what it takes to cultivate a community of learners who embody the innately human traits our