This book encourages a more effective role of the educators in the class through powerful strategies and techniques. The problems educators face today are about the vision and possibility that can be brought forth to make education work. These problems are, to a large degree, symptoms. Many teachers, especially new ones, need to start figuring out where they are in their role as educators.
Let’s acknowledge two fundamental facts. First, students who attend school from kindergarten through secondary school typically spend more than 13,000 hours of their developing brain’s time in the presence of teachers. Second, their brains are highly susceptible to environmental influences—social, physical, cognitive, and emotional. And, more important, their brains will be
Provocatively titled, Disrupting Class is just what America's K-12 education system needs--a well thought-through proposal for using technology to better serve students and bring our schools into the 21st Century. Unlike so many education 'reforms, ' this is not small-bore stuff. For that reason alone, it's likely to be resisted by defenders
Why Don’t Students Like School began as a list of nine principles that are so fundamental to the mind’s operation that they do not change as circumstances change. They are true in the classroom as they are in the laboratory and therefore can reliably be applied to classroom situations. These nine