
What Happens When Students Own Their Learning

by John Spencer , A. J. Juliani

Number of pages: 266

Publisher: IMPress

BBB Library: Education

ISBN: 978-1946444431

About the Authors

John Spencer : John Spencer is now a full-time professor of educational technology and


A. J. Juliani : A. J. Juliani is the director of technology and innovation at


Editorial Review

If you grew up in an education setting like we did, then you spent much of your time being actively compliant—trying to navigate a system that was designed to produce people who followed the rules and waited to be told what to do. Then you graduated. And you waited for someone to tell you what to do. However, times have changed. Our world wants go-getters. It wants decision-makers. It wants designers, creators, and dreamers.

Book Reviews

“Empowerstarts by explaining the difference between obedience, compliance, and empowerment. They were followed by a graphic illustrating student agency. The rest of the book follows this format: explanation, anecdote, graphic. Each page has either a pop-out quote, illustration, or other graphics. There are no long chunks of text. You won’t find any tricky educational vernacular or overly convoluted sentences.”

“Throughout the book, I found myself constantly reflecting on my days in the classroom and remembering all the energy I put into my lessons to engage the students. I tried everything in my power to engage my students, but looking back, I rarely empowered my learners. In the end, it was still my voice that owned the learning.As the authors point out, I was a “tourist teacher”.”

“This book is very fun and uplifting one with great examples of how to empower students. It’s a quick and easy read with a lot of quotable lines and takeaways. I’d recommend it to any teacher or coach!”

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Wisdom to Share

Every child deserves to own their learning. Teachers can empower student ownership of lifelong learning.

Every child in your class is someone else’s whole world. Empowering students transforms our social/human connections.

Stories will always shape us. They will always help us learn. Empower students to create and share their learning stories.

The only thing you can prepare students for is an unpredictable world.

Literacy is about learning, and learning is about unlearning and relearning.

As teachers, we have a huge impact on our students’ lives. Empowering our students amplifies that impact.

Student ownership is a shift from a compliant mindset to a self-directed mindset.

Students need to be self-starters.

Students need to be self-managers.

The makers are the ones who are thriving. They’re the ones who are experimenting and taking creative risks. They’re thinking divergently. In other words, they’re innovators.