Get Big Things Done

The Power of Connectional Intelligence

by Erica Dhawan , Saj-Nicole Joni

Number of pages: 256

Publisher: St. Martin's Press

BBB Library: Corporate Success

ISBN: 978-1137279781

About the Authors

Erica Dhawan : She is the world's foremost expert on collaboration and connectional intelligence.


Saj-Nicole Joni : She is an internationally acclaimed business strategist and confidential CEO advisor,


Editorial Review

We typically associate success and leadership with smarts, passion and luck. But in today’s hyper-competitive world, even those gifts aren’t enough. Get Big Things Done argues that the game changer is a thoroughly modern skill called Connectional Intelligence. Virtually anyone can maximize his or her potential, and achieve breakthrough performance, by developing this crucial ability.   So, what is it? Put simply, Connectional Intelligence is the ability to combine knowledge, ambition and human capital, forging connections on a global scale that create unprecedented value and meaning. As radical a concept as Emotional Intelligence was in the 90s, Connectional Intelligence is changing everything from business and sports to academics, health and politics by quickly, efficiently and creatively helping people enlist supporters, drive innovation, develop strategies and implement solutions to big problems. Get Big Things Done unlocks the secrets of how the world’s movers and shakers use Connectional Intelligence to achieve their personal and professional goals–no matter how ambitious.

Book Reviews

“If you are a business owner or manager pursuing more ambitious goals, this is a book to consider. “Get Big Things Done” combines the practicality of a project management book with the inspirational insight of self-help for a very unique result.” — Small Business Trends

“The world is changing. Everyone is connected today through social media, mobile devices and networks. But how do we leverage those resources? … Get Big Things Done, revolutionizes the way we harness that connectedness to help us achieve greater impact than ever before.” — Forbes

“The idea in the book is a concept called connectional intelligence and it speaks to the quality of the connections we build rather than just the quantity of networks. It helps readers understand that networks don’t easily translate into outcomes. This book teaches a game plan on why some people are better at mobilizing their web of relationships to actually get big things done. This book is about the human ability in a skill that we can all build that particularly 21st century innovators have to maximize all of our connections and put them to significant use.” — The Entrepreneurs Library

“We typically associate success and leadership with smarts, passion and luck. But in today’s hyper-competitive world, even those gifts aren’t enough. Get Big Things Done argues that the game changer is a thoroughly modern skill called Connectional Intelligence. Virtually anyone can maximize his or her potential, and achieve breakthrough performance, by developing this crucial ability.” — Erica Dhawan

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Wisdom to Share

Connectional Intelligence is the ability to combine the world’s diversity of people, networks, disciplines and resources, forging connections that create value, meaning and breakthrough results.

Dreamers are the heart center of the connectional intelligence universe. They are the people who have the patience, the courage, the vision and the strength to imagine the impossible and get big things done.

Adventurers are people who dare to go out into the world to seek new experiences, unchartered territory and novel undertakings. They go out and discover problems: when they employ connectional intelligence, they get big things done far and wide.

Leverage your mastered skills to get out of the box. Start with what you know well and think about how you can use it to build and test new ideas.

Seekers are people who ask the big, beautiful questions that move thoughts to action. They pursue knowledge for the sake of knowledge and find truth in all its expressions.

Advocates are motivated to act on behalf of others. They help people achieve their hopes and dreams within the fabric of their communities. Advocates have a fire that is automatically ignited when they see a way to make a difference and identify how they can bring about change.

If you could multiply what you know in your head and your heart, your IQ and EQ, by the power of everyone you’ve ever e-mailed or could contact by social media and other technology, what would you do? If you could do anything, what would you do? The choice is yours.