Lifelong Kindergarten

Cultivating Creativity through Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play

by Mitchel Resnick

Number of pages: 208

Publisher: The MIT Press

BBB Library: Education

ISBN: 978-0262037297

About the Author

Mitchel Resnick, an expert in educational technologies, is Professor of Learning Research at the MIT Media Lab. He has worked closely with the LEGO toy company for thirty years, collaborating with them on such innovative projects as the LEGO Mindstorms robotics kits, and he holds the LEGO endowed chair at MIT. He leads the team developing the Scratch programming software and online community, and he is cofounder of the Computer Clubhouse project, a network of after-school learning centers for youth from low-income communities.


Editorial Review

In kindergartens these days, children spend more time with math worksheets and phonics flashcards than building blocks and finger paint. Kindergarten is becoming more like the rest of school. In this book, we argue for exactly the opposite: the rest of school (even the rest of life) should be more like kindergarten. To thrive in today's fast-changing world, people of all ages must learn to think and act creatively-and the best way to do that is by getting engaged in a Creative Learning Spiral, i.e. focusing more on imagining, creating, playing, sharing, and reflecting, just as children do in traditional kindergartens. The creative spiral is the engine of creative thinking.

Book Reviews

“This is the book I have been waiting for. Lifelong Kindergarten is filled with gems—thoughts about what learning in the 21st century needs to be like, brought to life through evocative and nuanced examples that fire up our own imaginations. Many of us have danced around this topic but no one has hit the bull's-eye like Mitch Resnick has done.” – John Seely BrownFormer Chief Scientist of Xerox and Director of Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)

“This is a recipe, not an algorithm, so there are many variations a professional could come up with, adjusting and adapting the mix as experience is built up over time. It’s a creative spiral after all.” – Miranda Net

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Kindergarten is becoming more like the rest of school. In this book, we argue for exactly the opposite: the rest of school (even the rest of life) should be more like kindergarten.

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