Mind, Brain, and Education Science

A Comprehensive Guide to the New Brain-Based Teaching

by Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa

Number of pages: 464

Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company

BBB Library: Education

ISBN: 9780393706079

About the Author

Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa is the Dean of Education at the Universidad de las Américas in Quito, Ecuador. She serves on the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an expert panel to determine teachers’ new pedagogical knowledge, including the influence of neuroscience and technology on education.


Editorial Review

Education has never had so many tools at its disposal to improve the teaching and learning processes. These are exciting times for everyone in the discipline. Neuroscience and psychology nurture our understanding of how the brain learns and help us identify the best teaching practices possible. Although the tools of the trade are important, the greatest single change occurring is the transformation of the teacher role into a catalyst for societal change.

Book Reviews

"Tokuhama-Espinosa has written a reliable and well-researched book,Mind, Brain, and Education Science, A Comprehensive Guide to The New Brain-Based Teaching. In it, she establishes a frame of reference for consuming information from this rapidly evolving field, and she offers the current state of research that is relevant to education. Her book will aid educators, administrators, and others concerned about understanding the neuroscience behind how brains learn." 2e

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Wisdom to Share

Educators are in need of ways to teach the most overwhelming quantity of information for which students have ever been accountable on standardized tests.

There is juxtaposition between natural brain learning processes and existing educational policies.

Neuromyths are born of a partial fact or a single study and are overgeneralizations about the brain–or in some cases, outright misinterpretation of data.

Science fiction series have always called attention to the unused parts of the brain, hinting at the fact that humans are just not living up to their potential.

Despite advances in technology, it’s impossible to measure exactly how much of the brain is being used for a number of reasons.

As a physical entity, the brain has a finite capacity.

Humans have only one brain, comprised of a right and left hemisphere, which they use in concert.

We all use integrated systems involving both hemispheres for almost all tasks.

The brain is a complex, dynamic, and integrated system that’s constantly changed by experience.

There’s a longstanding myth that people who are able to divorce emotions from their reasoning, are more successful. We now know, however, that emotions are vital to good decision-making. Actually reasoning and emotions are complementary processes.

Human brains are as unique as faces. Although the basic structure is the same, no two are identical.

Even identical twins leave the womb with physically distinct brains due to the slightly different experiences they had; one with his ear pressed closer to the uterus wall and bombarded with sounds and light, and the other snuggled down deep in the dark

All brains aren’t equal because context and ability influence learning.

Different people are born with different abilities, which they can improve upon or lose, depending on the stimuli or lack thereof.

The brain is changed by experience.

You go to bed every night with a different brain from the one you had when you awoke.

The brain connects new information to old. Connecting new information to prior knowledge facilitates learning.

The brain is highly plastic. Human brains have a high degree of plasticity and develop throughout the lifespan. This means that people can learn throughout their lives.

Plasticity allows the brain to readjust and relocate brain functions from one area to another due to damage.

Plasticity challenges old views that the brain is a fixed structure; instead it’s malleable and different parts can be used for different things.

Diet impacts neural tissues that affect executive function, concentration, and attention.

Studies show how sleep can impact brain plasticity.

Sleep not only rests the body and mind, it’s also fundamental to the consolidation of long-term memory.