The Human Side of Enterprise

Annotated Edition and with a New Commentary

by Douglas McGregor

Number of pages: 480

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

BBB Library: Business Classics

ISBN: 9780071462228

About the Author

Douglas Murray McGregor was a management professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management and president of Antioch College from 1948 to 1954. He also taught at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta.


Editorial Review

Every professional is concerned with the use of knowledge in the achievement of objectives: the engineer as he designs equipment, the medical practitioner as he diagnoses and prescribes for the ills of his patients, and the lawyer or the architect as he serves his clients. The professional draws upon the knowledge of science and of his colleagues, and upon knowledge gained through personal experience. The degree to which he relies upon the first two of these rather than the third is one of the ways in which the professional may be distinguished from the layman.

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Wisdom to Share

The professional draws upon the knowledge of science and of his colleagues, and upon knowledge gained through personal experience.

Progress in any profession is associated with the ability to predict and control, and this is true also of industrial management.

Successful management depends—not alone, but significantly—upon the ability to predict and control human behavior.

The average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if he can.

Man is a wanting animal—as soon as one of his needs is satisfied, another appears in place.

Human needs are organized in a series of levels—a hierarchy of importance.

A satisfied need is not a motivator behavior!

When physiological needs are reasonably satisfied, needs at the next higher level begin to dominate man's behavior-or to motivate him.

The expenditure of physical and mental effort in work is as natural as play or rest.

Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement.