The Next Global Stage

Challenges and Opportunities in Our Borderless World

by Kenichi Ohmae

Number of pages: 282

Publisher: Wharton School Publishing

BBB Library: Technology and Globalization

ISBN: 9780131479449

About the Author

Kenichi Ohmae is one of the world’s leading business and corporate strategists has written over 100 books, including The Mind of the Strategist, The End of the Nation State, and The Invisible Continent.


Editorial Review

To realize the current global stage, all you need to do is to look at your dinner table! It’s full of food from the four corners of the World; Salmon from Chile, sauce and spices from Brazil. Your dishes might be from China or Hungary, and glassware from the Czech Republic. Your dinner reveals the stage the global economy has reached today, but how did this dinner reach your table? The simple answer is that globalization has managed to end, surpass and crack many borders that once were considered as traditional and everlasting. Your dinner snack is not the only item that became borderless. Borders around the main three components of the international economy have become borderless, as well.

Book Reviews

"If the rules of the old economy no longer apply, Ohmae ventures, then neither do the old rules of business. Fair enough. The problem is, he says, no one knows, or can know, what the new rules are: "By the time any rule book or user's manual appears. The 'new rules' will already be obsolete!' What business leaders can be sure of, Ohmae argues, is that massive change without requires massive change within. That means wall-to-wall rethinking of corporate mission, strategy, and organization. Companies must cut loose from their "ancestry" and, for instance, compete by selling the very products that threaten them. Clinging to the core, as Kodak did in the face of predation by digital-camera makers, is a recipe for failure in this new age." Manhattan Institute

"The last third of the book provides the “script” for future global prosperity. The most valuable and actionable pages are from 255-268, where the author concisely identifies the following areas as potential break-out zones for enormous profit: Hainan Island, Petropavlosk-Kamchatsily in Russia, Vancouver and British Columbia, the Baltic Corner, Ho Chi Minh City, Khabarovsk, Maritime (Primorye) Province and Sakhalin Island in Russia, Sau Paulo, and Kyushu in Japan. If I were a major multinational interested in doubling my gross and profit in the next ten years, I would immediately commission a single General Manager for each of these areas, and send them to build an indigenous networked business from scratch in each of these areas." Public Intelligence Blog

"The Next Global Stage: Challenges and Opportunities in Our Borderless World is a book written by Kenichi Ohmae, a business strategist who has written many other books on business world. This book, The Next Global Stage, for short, explores the strategies used by different organizations, government and individuals to overcome the tough competition faced by the aforementioned in this global environment." Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization

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Wisdom to Share

Commodities are becoming borderless too. It is almost impossible to buy a shirt that is genuinely “Made in America.” Its fabric may come from Egypt, threads from Japan, and buttons from the Philippines. If only the sewing process takes place in the United States, how American does that make the finished shirt?

If we look at major economic thinkers, we will find that their ideas are mere products of their historical setting. That’s why they are full of manifest logical flaws.

Economics as a discipline still seems to be stuck in the old world.

In the global economy, all those old models are defective; they do not work because time stops for no man. Economic environments are no more permanent than the weather.

Countries all over the world need to make some necessary shifts to cope with the new transformations, and win the global economy to their sides.

For possibly the first time in human history, prosperity and riches are not dependant on existing wealth of the inside. To put it bluntly, you don’t have to be rich to get richer.

In the global economy, there is no need for mineral resources or colonies. An area can be very poor in traditional resources, but still manages to win and thrive in the global economy

The secret of winning in the global economy lies in making the shift from the Nation-State to Region-States. States must open their borders and allow their regions to deal directly with the outside world, attracting investments and industries that best suit these regions.

Governments should only concentrate on educating their people, then help them attract as much foreign investment to their regions as they can, by developing their infrastructures. In the global economy, education is more important than natural resources.

The simple bottom line is that governments should not try to do things for businesses, but should allow businesses to do things for themselves.