The Twelve Absolutes of Leadership

by Gary Burnison

Number of pages: 240

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

BBB Library: Leadership

ISBN: 9780071787123

About the Author

Burnison is chief executive officer of Korn/Ferry International, the world’s largest executive recruiting firm and a leading global provider of talent management solutions.


Editorial Review

Leadership is easy to intellectualize, but elusive to actualize. Leadership is part strategy, but mostly judgment. Always it is about grace, confidence, and touch. There are no half measures when it comes to leading others. You must be fully engaged and fully committed, but you must never personalize what is happening around you or even to you. As the leader, you must be cognizant of the past, intensely focused on the present, and constantly scanning the horizon for what the future will bring. Your starting point is the here and now, the results that you realize today. From here, you must execute a strategy to take you there—a point that your team members may or may not be able to see as yet. So how does a leader accomplish all that? The answer lies in twelve absolutes making the essential ingredients for extraordinary leadership. It’s like a chain; each absolute is connected to the one before and morphing into the one that follows. These links represent both competencies and activities that all leaders must possess and master, regardless of their leadership style.

Book Reviews

"The book has guidelines to help you get to a reality that’s better than what you’re experiencing. The sections of your canvas become your measuring tools; you’ll use sticky notes to identify what must be done and what you’ve achieved." - Dallas News

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Wisdom to Share

By the time you reach the level of senior leader, you have already mastered the technical skills that you need.

What you may be missing, however, are the nuances and the seemingly simple truths that get lost in all the noise around how to run an organization.

So how does a leader accomplish all that? The answer lies in twelve absolutes making the essential ingredients for extraordinary leadership.

The first challenge for any leader is to take charge.

Leadership requires making crisp decisions and explaining your intent so that others can carry it out.

Every organization is established for a reason that goes beyond profit. Far more important is a sense of purpose that permeates every level.

Leadership begins with purpose. It is the “why” of the organization.

Vision is the “what”—a picture of what the company will look like when your purpose is realized.

The grander the purpose, the bigger the vision.

Whether you are the CEO of a global company or the head of the local PTA, as a leader, you stand for purpose