First and foremost, this is NOT a diet book. This book doesn’t aim to teach you how to count your calorie intake or how often you should fast. It’s not a low-carb or low-fat program. This is a book about using a life-changing strategy that if followed, you will lose more than 19 pounds in 3 months or less. And you will lose them the right way. You won’t be losing muscle mass or negatively affecting your blood pressure, you will be losing pure fat. Interested? You should be!
Eat right. Move more. Sleep better. Yes, when you do these three things in combination, you will see how the overall benefit is greater than the sum of the parts.Eating right is not enough. Exercise alone is insufficient. Sleeping well, in isolation, is not adequate. When you focus your energy on
Self-Reg will show you where to stand: how to bring your child’s behavior into focus, respond to your child’s needs, and help your child help himself. It will strengthen your relationships. This is not about getting your child to “behave”-to stop doing or saying things that irritate you or others or