Work Happy

What Great Bosses Know

by Jill Geisler

Number of pages: 368

Publisher: Center Street

BBB Library: Leadership, Personal Success

ISBN: 978-1455507436

About the Author

Geisler holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Wisconsin and a master’s degree in leadership studies from Duquesne University.


Editorial Review

Even if you’re smart, dedicated, and have a stellar work ethic, you have gaps in your supervisory skills. You make mistakes that could hurt employees, your company, and your own career. You may get some limited training, depending on your organization. You might find mentors to guide you. You might invest in some books. But which books? The store shelves are full of them and you have precious little free time. This summary will help you find ways to assess your performance and potential as a leader, and, most of all, provide concrete tools to help you improve – all toward your goal of being a great boss.

Book Reviews

"Covering topics including types of power, how to give and receive constructive feedback, coaching versus fixing, self-awareness and self-management, Geisler provides useful quizzes and assessments to help the reader translate the concepts into personal learning." Publishers Weekly

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Wisdom to Share

The scenario goes like this: you are a good performer, so you are tapped to lead a team. And then everything changes.

What made you good at your craft isn’t guaranteed to make you good at helping others excel.

To be a great boss, you don’t have to be perfect. However, the path to becoming a great boss should begin with an honest reckoning of the high degree of difficulty along with the rewards that comes with the role of manager.

When you have power and you are smart and strategic in how you use it, you can get things done more effectively.

The power grid of leadership is the juice that fuels your responsibilities and ambitions.

Leaders lacking in Emotional Intelligence tap only three sources of power on the leadership grid: legitimate, expert, and coercive.

Nothing you say, do, or feel goes unnoticed. Unless you are strategic, intentional, and clear, people will misread you.

Coaching is all about teaching people how to make their own good decisions instead of just telling them what to do. It raises the quality of work, workers, and the workplace.

While fixing is based on giving answers and solutions, coaching is mainly built on questions.

Don’t assume that people can read your mind or that your actions speak for themselves.