Number of pages: 264
Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group Press
BBB Library: Corporate Success, Operations Management
ISBN: 9781608320998
The goal of doubling your company’s size in three years is easy to accept. Who wouldn’t want to do that? But accepting this goal and realizing it are two different things. To achieve it, you need to prepare for fast growth. And to do that, you need to develop a detailed vision of the future. Many people create goals for the future but don’t really have a vision of what their company will look like at that point. If creating a picture of your company is worth a thousand words, creating what is called “Painted Picture” of your company is worth big money.
Recognizing talent is a leader’s most needed task. Today, more than ever, an organization’s fate depends on its ability to identify, coach, retain and, when needed, replace talent. The simple answer to what is talent: is achievement. Talent without achievement is reduced to only potential. Let’s start by discussing the seven
The 80/20 way involves a real change in how we see and do things. By doing less, we can enjoy and achieve more. If we understand the way the world is really organized, we can fit in with that way and get much more of what we care about with less
This book is not about gloating over the demise of once-mighty enterprises that fell, but about seeing what we can learn and apply to our own situation. By understanding the five stages of decline, leaders can substantially reduce the chances of falling all the way to the bottom, tumbling from iconic
A companion to the web tool, this book will take the mystery and drudgery out of creating your business growth plan. The 1 Hour Plan for Growth provides a proven system for any business to create a clear and compelling business growth plan that fits on a single sheet of