Living the 80/20 Way

Work Less, Worry Less, Succeed More, Enjoy More

by Richard Koch

Number of pages: 184

Publisher: Nicholas Brealey Publishing

BBB Library: Personal Success

ISBN: 9781857883312

About the Author

Richard Koch is the author of thirteen acclaimed books. He has pioneered the idea that we can achieve more if we relax, enjoy life more and focus on the few things that matter uniquely to each individual.


Editorial Review

The 80/20 way involves a real change in how we see and do things. By doing less, we can enjoy and achieve more. If we understand the way the world is really organized, we can fit in with that way and get much more of what we care about with less energy.   The 80/20 way revolves around two ideas, which are the law of focus and less is more and the law of progress: we can create more with less. The world's leading scientists, creative people, and business leaders have always organized themselves to get a huge return on their efforts. They invest in a personal infrastructure which will empower them to achieve more with less effort on their part. This same principle can and should be applied at a personal level. The first step might be as simple as pausing before you plunge into any new project and asking: How can I get more with less in this project? What few things could I focus on that will generate the bulk of the benefits from this project?” If you then organize yourself to work most intensively on those key activities, you position yourself to take full advantage of the 80/20 principle.

Book Reviews

"Living The 80/20 Wayapplies Koch’s less is more and more with less ideas to your best 20 percent in everyday life: how to get work you enjoy, how to build stronger relationships with family and friends, and how to unmask the mystery of money. A self-made millionaire and best-selling author, Koch pioneered the idea that we can achieve more if we relax, enjoy life, and focus on the few things that matter most to us as unique individuals. Here he makes immensely practical the proven 80/20 sensation he lives himself and created for millions of others. Now each of us has the power to work less, fulfill our passions, create great new wealth, and thrive amidst a world of increasing choices and chaos byLiving the 80/20 Way." PEX

"At the heart of his argument is the idea that 'the 80/20 Way enables anyone to get extraordinary results without extraordinary effort.' This is bound to upset the 'no pain, no gain" and 'anything worth achieving requires hard work' brigade. But Koch illustrates his point by two simple statements: 'a small amount of energy leads to most great things in our lives" and "a small portion of our time leads to most of our happiness and fulfilment.'" Independent

"In his upbeat and concise book Living the 80/20 Way (hereafter, "the book"), Richard Koch, a successful entrepreneur, will convince you Less really Is More. And the sooner we recognize that and apply it to our lives, the happier, more productive, and more fulfilled we'll be."

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Wisdom to Share

The law of progress states: "we can create more with less." All of human history and the advancement of civilization involve getting more results with less resources.

We find that the top 20% of people, natural forces, economics input, or any other causes we can measure typically lead to about 80% of results, outputs, or efforts.

There are always a small minority of very powerful forces and a great mass of unimportant ones.

Using the 80/20 principle can have an enormous influence, not just on our economy and society, but also on our personal lives. We can create more with less.

This is the root of all progress. With a bit of practice, thinking how to get more with less becomes fun. The trick is to pick activities offering a higher reward for less energy.

Modern life bullies us to speed up our lives—we use technology to do everything faster.

The subconscious like the personal computer itself, delivers much more with less energy and cost. It works best when you are focused on one issue. Less is more.

George Balanchine, the legendary ballet master once said: "I have got more energy now than when I was younger because I know exactly what I want to do". That is because focus is the secret of all personal power, happiness and success.

Focus means doing less and it makes less, more. It expands individuality, the essence of being human. When we focus, we give up doing what many other people do, thinking what others think.

Be proud of what you've achieved in the past, and optimistic about the future, but live fully in the present moment.

Don't make the mistake of thinking you'll give yourself permission to enjoy life when such-or-such is accomplished. Relax. Enjoy the individuality of the present moment, and do the things that absorb your attention and energy.

Most people change the world not through sweat and tears, but through ideas and passion.

If we never save money, we will always be poor, no matter how much money we earn.

"The greatest force in the world? Compound interest"—Albert Einstein.

Money is a means, not an end. Money is for freedom, not slavery; for security, not worry. Unless money is used to give you greater freedom and happiness, accumulating money is a burden.

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