Driven by Difference

How Great Companies Fuel Innovation Through Diversity

by David Livermore

Number of pages: 240

Publisher: AMACOM

BBB Library: Corporate Success

ISBN: 9780814436530

About the Author

David Livermore, PhD is a social scientist, devoted to the topics of cultural intelligence (CQ) and global leadership and the author of ten award-winning books.


Editorial Review

There’s no question that culture diversity provides one of the greatest opportunities for global innovation. The potential is enormous. But it’s a correlation, not causation. An organization that learns how to utilize the diverse perspectives from multicultural teams has a tremendous opportunity to come up with better solutions. In fact, when used strategically, diversity is one of the greatest resources for coming up with innovative solutions, which in turn leads to economic benefits. Learning the managerial steps for translating diversity into innovation is the primary objective herein. Diversity by itself does not ensure innovation. Diversity combined with high cultural intelligence (CQ) does. Cultural intelligent is the capability to function effectively in culturally diverse situations. Getting diverse teams to function at the highest levels of productivity requires a leader and team members with high CQ and a plan for culturally intelligent innovation. I don’t view diversity primarily as a problem to be solved. Instead, I see it as a treasure trove, rich with innovation solution waiting to be mined.

Book Reviews

“Driven by Difference” will best serve business leaders of any sized business who want a more comprehensive approach to understanding and working with diversity. The book is designed to open a reader’s eyes to the way we currently understand diversity and how we can proactively manage that knowledge for a more profitable future.

Driven by Difference looks at some of the proven management techniques and principles, but from the lens of cultural diversity and instructs how organizations can best use diversity to come out with innovative solutions.

If you lead teams in a multicultural setting, or if you need to create a more culturally aware team, this is a great book to help you get started.

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Wisdom to Share

Diversity leads to innovation!

Diversity leads to innovation!

An organization that learns how to utilize the diverse perspectives from multicultural teams has a tremendous opportunity to come up with better solutions.

Diversity by itself does not ensure innovation. Diversity combined with high cultural intelligence (CQ) does.

For a group to truly have a “culture” of its own, it requires a shared pattern of beliefs, values, behaviors, customers, and attitudes.

Diversity is a way of describing any group that includes two or more cultures working and/or relating together.

Cultural intelligence allows individuals to adapt their motivations, work ethic, and communication styles while learning from the different value perspectives to create better solutions.

Whenever you have multiple layers of cultural differences in one individual, there’s all the more potential for value collisions.

Self-awareness is a critical step in the process of creating a culturally intelligent team.

Innovation begins by looking at a problem from as many perspectives as possible. And diversity is the best way to do that.

By consciously paying attention to innovation and the diverse perspectives around you, you’re primed to come up with more innovative solutions.

Your mind is your most powerful asset for innovation.

You innovate to the degree you consciously think about innovation.

Giving undue attention to negative feeling shrinks your world and your breadth of perspective.