Number of pages: 256
Publisher: Business Plus
BBB Library: Human Resources, Operations Management
ISBN: 9780446556057
The performance review. It is one of the most insidious, most damaging, and yet most ubiquitous of corporate activities. We all hate it. And yet nobody does anything about it. Until now... Straight-talking Sam Culbert, management guru and UCLA professor, minces no words as he puts managers on notice that -- with the performance review as their weapon of choice -- they have built a corporate culture based on intimidation and fear. Teaming up with Wall Street Journal Senior Editor Lawrence Rout, he shows us why performance reviews are bogus and how they undermine both creativity and productivity.
For decades, the assumption has been that if we want to improve teaching, one of the best ways is to supervise and evaluate teachers. Surely, the argument went, inspecting classroom performance and giving teachers feedback and formal evaluations would make a positive difference. But as we frequently ask groups of administrators
Performance matters. Everybody and everything is measured by performance. Do you know how you get results in your job? Behavior drives performance. It's what you do that makes a difference. If we accept that behavior drives performance, then personality is not the key. Performance is determined by what you do—behavior—not what
The Three Laws of Performance are about rewriting the future. Rewriting the future does not happen by positive motivational speeches or slogans that people repeat; it is about rewriting what people know will happen. Rewrite the future, and people's actions naturally will shift: from disengaged to proactive, from frustrated to inspired,