Number of pages: 304
Publisher: Pearson Education Canada
BBB Library: Operations Management
ISBN: 9780273721864
Performance matters. Everybody and everything is measured by performance. Do you know how you get results in your job? Behavior drives performance. It's what you do that makes a difference. If we accept that behavior drives performance, then personality is not the key. Performance is determined by what you do—behavior—not what you are—personality. The thing that determines behavior is the situation. How you behave in your job is a matter of the requirements of the job. Your effectiveness is therefore a matter of matching your behavior with the requirements of the job.
The performance review. It is one of the most insidious, most damaging, and yet most ubiquitous of corporate activities. We all hate it. And yet nobody does anything about it. Until now... Straight-talking Sam Culbert, management guru and UCLA professor, minces no words as he puts managers on notice that --
As hard as it is to grow a company, wouldn’t it be nice if there was a “recipe” for creating a company with sustained high performance? It is tempting to dream that if we could just find the right combination of ingredients—a cup of customer loyalty, two tablespoons of Blue Ocean
The Three Laws of Performance are about rewriting the future. Rewriting the future does not happen by positive motivational speeches or slogans that people repeat; it is about rewriting what people know will happen. Rewrite the future, and people's actions naturally will shift: from disengaged to proactive, from frustrated to inspired,
Leadership, simply put, is the ability to influence others. Values-based leadership takes it to the next level. By word, action, and example, values-based leaders seek to inspire and motivate, using their influence to pursue what matters most. The objective of values-based leadership is to do the right thing by making choices