Micro Messaging

Why Great Leadership Is Beyond Words

by Stephen Young

Number of pages: 200

Publisher: McGraw-Hill

BBB Library: Leadership, Communication

ISBN: 978-0-07-146757-5

About the Author

Stephen Young is founder of Insight Education Systems, a management consulting firm specializing in leadership and organizational development, applying these concepts to nearly 10 percent of the Fortune 500 and to many of their CEOs and leadership teams.


Editorial Review

When we write or speak a message, our egocentrism (interest in personal needs and wants) can cause us to believe that what we intend to convey is what others will interpret. Unfortunately, interpretation and intent don’t always match up. The gap between message sent and message received often determines fear, confidence, comfort, loyalty and motivation to perform at our peak levels. In fact, micromessaging—communicating with other human beings through visual, audible, sublingual means—no doubt predates our ability to speak. We actually read micromessages quite naturally without thinking about them. You might say human beings actually read each other’s micromessages subconsciously. Humans, however, in their evolution have language which jams their radar for interpreting micromessages. Words do make the process of communication easier, but they also make it easy to use prepackaged “word packets” of deception that rarely get challenged. We can use word packets to communicate what we think others need to hear, even though the packet doesn’t remotely represent our genuine feelings or truth.

Book Reviews

"When you want to change minds, it is important to remember that communication occurs beyond speech. In his new book, Micromessaging: Why Great Leadership Is Beyond Words (McGraw-Hill, 2006), Stephen Young, cofounder of the consultancy Insight Education Systems (Montclair, N.J.) and formerly senior vice president responsible for the worldwide diversity strategy at JP Morgan Chase, reveals how leaders can undermine their stated goals with micromessages—gestures, expressions, tone of voice—that don’t match the words being spoken."Harvard Business Review

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Wisdom to Share

To greet others effectively, it is necessary to shun words and gestures that are so commonly used in business meetings.

Greetings can have a profound impact on our relationships and leadership ability.

Sending the micromessages that convey your intended message requires a deep understanding of how others interpret truth.

No matter who you are, at some point you have undoubtedly been on the receiving end of the microinequities equation.

Microadvantages act as catalysts that unleash potential and results. They encourage the out-of-the-box thinking everyone says is so vital.

Employees who receive negative micromessages come to work feeling undervalued and tend to focus on merely getting the assigned work done.

The “power” approach results in an employee experience that is transactional: the manager directs and the employee complies

They will do precisely what you direct them to do—nothing more, though sometimes less.

The power of leadership rests in one’s fluency in speaking the language of influence and motivation.

Effective use of micromessages by leaders lies at the core of what inspires followers to follow.

Using micromessaging, leaders have propelled teams to amazing achievements.