The Law Says What?

Stuff You Didn’t Know About the Law (but Really Should!)

by Maclen Stanley

Number of pages: 190

Publisher: TCK Publishing

BBB Library: Booklets

ISBN: 978-1631611179

About the Author

Maclen Stanley is a Harvard Law School graduate and currently runs a law firm dedicated to pursuing claims of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and gender discrimination. Prior to his legal career, he received his Ed.M. in Developmental Psychology from Harvard and taught courses in psychology.


Editorial Review

The goal of this book is to show you how to think like a lawyer. We don’t intend to bombard you with minor legal details, but instead, we hope to present the big picture of the foundations of the law. Along the way, we will question and examine it to see why it has evolved to be what it is today, and how it is actually applied.

Book Reviews

"This is a great book for not only anyone interested in the law, but for everyone who cares to have any education on our justice system and how the law works. While I was aware of most of what this book discusses, I still learned new things and it gave me a more connective foundation for talking to others (like family) about the law, and the social issues around it. The best part is how Maclen makes his topics easily relatable and even funny. It was definitely a nice break in content from my summer reading list."

"I’m not normally someone who picks up a nonfiction book, but I am so glad I picked up this one. It reads as easily to me as a fiction book does, and some of the real life cases that the book talks about are as crazy as fiction!This book taught me about things I didn’t even know I was ignorant about (police don’t always need a warrant, the legal “backing” for abortion laws, and crossing county lines doesn’t mean police stop chasing you)."

"The cover made me think it would be a light-hearted read, and that was sort of right. I didn’t expect it to go so deep into the reasons why the law is the way it is (check out the “But...Why” sections) and I was also pleasantly surprised by the breakdowns (i.e. “CRASH COURSE” sections)."

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Wisdom to Share

You may find that once you learn from this book, you will see how prevalent the law is in your own life.

If someone fell into a river and was eaten by a hungry alligator, you might have a moral duty to help them, but if you just sat there and watched, you would face zero legal repercussions.

What is the First Amendment? It protects a person’s freedom of expression, whether it be through speech, gestures, religion, or peaceful protest.

In order to undertake any such action, along with arrests, a warrant must be issued by a judge, aftersatisfactory evidence is provided to support a “probable cause”.

The Supreme Court argues that many explicitly stated rights in the Constitutionform other rights that aren’t mentioned.

The felony doctrine has been instrumental in prosecuting unjust killings that would otherwise have been much harder to deliver a verdict on, such as with the George Floyd case.

In order to use deadly force in self-defense, you must reasonably believe that you are facing an immediate threat of great bodily harm or death.

Adverse possession is supported by the “use it or lose it” philosophy– land is avery valuable asset, and it’s always better for someone to be using it, rather than noone.

Lawmakers have decided that generally speaking, employers as a whole are in a better position to compensate the victims than the guilty employees.

It’s important to remember that the Founding Fathers were colonists who were fleeing a tyrannical monarchy— they put a lot of thought into avoiding any system where any single individual could gain too much power.