Late, Lost and Unprepared

A parent’s Guide to Helping children with Executive Functioning

by Joyce Cooper-Kahn , Laurie C. Dietzel

Number of pages: 232

Publisher: Woodbine House

BBB Library: Parenting

ISBN: 9781890627843

About the Authors

Joyce Cooper-Kahn : She is a clinical child psychologist and co-founder of Psychological Resource


Laurie C. Dietzel : She is a clinical psychologist with expertise in neuropsychological assessment and


Editorial Review

Is your child chronically late turning in papers?  Does she show up for soccer practice without her soccer bag?  Say things without thinking?  Read something and forget what he read?  Wait until the last minute and then get caught short of time to complete tasks? Written by two clinical psychologists, Late, Lost, and Unprepared is a practical, down-to-earth guide for parents of children and adolescents who have difficulty with these skills-planning and organization, self-monitoring, impulse control, working memory, and initiating tasks.

Book Reviews

"Late, Lost and Unprepared: A Parents’ Guide to Helping Children with Executive Functioning, by Joyce Cooper-Kahn, Ph.D., and Laurie Dietzel, Ph.D., offers practical tips to help parents and teachers guide disorganized children at home and school." Scholastic

"The book is well-organized, just as we want our children to be. Every chapter is short and easy to follow." Learn Differently

"Children with weak executive skills, despite their best intentions, often do their homework but forget to turn it in, wait until the last minute to start a project, lose things, or have a room that looks like a dump!" Woodine House

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Wisdom to Share

Self-monitoring can be viewed as the brain’s quality control system.

Working memory is best understood as an internal Scratch Pad.

The ability to begin working or get started on a task is important for school functioning, negotiating the daily routine, and maintaining social relationships.

It is important to fade out supports to see if your child can assume these functions.

Building skills can be done with help from parents, teachers, tutors, therapists, and other important adults.

If we only focus on short-term goals with our kids, then we are only doing half of our job.

We need to generate an individualized profile of strengths and weaknesses.

With experience and continued brain development come increased judgment, planning, and flexibility.

Teens who cannot keep up with the rapid fire rate of communication and have a hard time “reading between the lines” often face increasing social difficulties.

Infants and very young children “live in the moment” and push for immediate gratification of their needs and wants

For most children with executive weaknesses, there is no known cause.

To set realistic expectations for our children, it is important to understand the typical, or expected, development of the executive functions.

The executive functions are a set of processes that all have to do with managing oneself and one’s resources in order to achieve a goal.

The term “executive functioning” has become a common buzzword in schools and psychology offices.

The term “executive functioning” has become a common buzzword in schools and psychology offices.