Executive Presence

The Art of Commanding Respect Like a CEO

by Harrison Monarth

Number of pages: 273

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

BBB Library: Leadership, Personal Success

ISBN: 9780071632874

About the Author

He is the founder and president of GuruMaker, a global communications consulting firm that helps Fortune 500 executives, international politicians, and other high-level professionals shape events using the skills of persuasion, image management, and media leveraging.


Editorial Review

It’s not that most people lack intelligence or skill or even ambition, but they haven’t learned how to leverage their assets by effectively representing themselves or communicating with others to the best of their abilities. For example, chances are that you have at least a few friends and colleagues who have enormous talent but somehow never achieve the success their level of work deserves.  At the same time, you probably can think of a number of people who don’t appear to have much going for them yet do extremely well.  Think of it this way:  The male lion isn’t the smartest animal in the jungle; great apes, elephants, and parrots are all more intelligent.  Nor is he the largest animal.  He isn’t even the best hunter among his own pride; it’s his female mate that tracks and subdues prey.  Why the male lion is considered the king of the jungle? Because he has an impressive mane and an even more impressive roar.  This doesn’t mean the lion is a fraud:  If called upon, he can back up that roar in spades.  However, what makes the lion special is the combination of his genuine power with an image and related behavior that effectively communicates that power to the world.  If you want to be a lion—that is, the king or queen of your chosen profession—you need to adopt the same approach.

Book Reviews

"Take the next step toward the corner office using the art of perception management! An expert in coaching high-level players in the art of perception management, Harrison Monarth reveals the critical difference between CEOs and those of us who wish to be CEOs. It’s not a matter of intelligence, connections, or luck. It can be summed up in two words: executive presence." Leadership Now

"Monarth’s conclusions aren’t based solely on his keen insight and extensive experience; they’re the result of the latest scientific c research in interpersonal communication and human behavior. Talent and skills are important, but they alone won’t take you to the top of your organization. People reach highly influential positions because they deeply understand the power of perception and know how to leverage it in their favor. The good news is, anyone with the will to succeed can do it."Barnes & Noble

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Wisdom to Share

Executive presence is the key to moving up and, once you are there, to becoming optimally effective

Break promises even once and you’ll get caught.

Don’t pretend to be something you are not, you won’t be able to keep up the act for very long.

Empathy happens when you put yourself, minus your biases and personal experiences, into the shoes (the circumstances) of both parties.

Attention lasts for only a blink or two, and so you need to seize the moment.

The way you assert your leadership and get others to do their part will define the way you’re perceived by everyone around and above you.

As a manager or corporate executive, you meet your objectives through the combined skill, talent, and effort of those around you

The more we show a genuine interest in others, the more they’ll be attracted to us.

If awareness is your social radar, authenticity is playing to the social radar of others by being genuine, honest, and respectful.

Awareness is the ability to read people and the moment (think of it as social radar) and respond with behaviors that fit the situation.

The clearer you are about what you want and expect, the sooner that will happen.

The goal is to get others to appreciate you and follow you.

Social intelligence is very much about how you are perceived by others or, better put, the management of what will be perceived by others.

Why is the male lion considered the king of the jungle? Because he has an impressive mane and an even more impressive roar.

You probably can think of a number of people who don’t appear to have much going for them yet do extremely well.