Number of pages: 256
Publisher: HarperOne
BBB Library: Creativity and Innovation
ISBN: 9780062301277
Countless people around the world don’t feel confident crafting the lives they hope to lead. They don’t know where they’re headed or how to navigate around the obstacles in their path. They don’t see themselves as innovators, responsible for and capable of inventing their own future. It’s a crime not to teach young people to be entrepreneurial. We are each responsible for building our own lives and for repairing the broader problems of the world, and the only way to do so is with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to bring ideas to fruition.
Red Thread Thinking teaches you to activate your own knowledge and resources to make better connections, have more and superior insights, and apply history as a valuable source for future-leaning innovation--without the need for high-cost development.
Volumes of research were conducted on innovation, and as many or more on leadership, but almost nothing was done on the connection between the two. Why is this so? Perhaps practicing leaders and management thinkers have simply assumed a good leader in all other respects would be an effective leader of
The hallmark of originality is rejecting the default and exploring whether a better option exists. The starting point is curiosity: pondering why the default exists in the first place. We’re driven to question defaults when we experience vuja de, the opposite of déjà vu. Déjà vu occurs when we encounter something
The modern world is the product of ideas, beliefs, and values of human imagination and culture have shaped it over centuries. It has been created out of our minds as much as from the natural environment. The human mind is profoundly and uniquely creative, but too many people have no sense
It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be is a handbook of how to succeed in the world - a pocket 'bible' for the talented and timid to make the unthinkable thinkable and the impossible possible. The world's top advertising guru, Paul Arden, offers up his
Certainly, being a young, educated adult is not the same now as it was even just a mere decade ago, with a rapidly changing world. To create innovators, from this Millennial Generation, not only means supplying the potential innovator with the right skills, tools and atmosphere, but also to supply the
A trigger is any stimulus that reshapes our thoughts and actions. In every waking hour we’re being triggered by people, events, and circumstances that have the potential to change us. They can be major moments. They can be pleasant, like a teacher’s praise that elevates our discipline and ambition and turns