
New Solutions for a Connected Planet

by Don Tapscott , Anthony D. Williams

Number of pages: 432

Publisher: Portfolio

BBB Library: Economics and Investment, Technology and Globalization

ISBN: 9781591844280

About the Authors

Don Tapscott : Don Tapscott is a Canadian business executive, author, consultant and speaker,


Anthony D. Williams : Anthony D. Williams is a best-selling author, speaker and consultant who


Editorial Review

We look back at the time when the world began a historic transition from industrial capitalism to a new kind of economy based on new principles and new ways of thinking and behaving. And while there are certainly many similarities between what is happening today and what happened over five hundred years ago, there are also some profound differences. Printing gave humanity the written word. It enabled the distribution of knowledge; it allowed people to know. Printing played a key role in the rise of the industrial revolution and the creation of capitalism. On the other hand, the Web makes everyone a publisher. It provides a platform for networking human minds. It enables people to collaborate and to learn collectively. It is now also enabling new models for creating wealth and prosperity on a global basis. However, the biggest difference between the printing press and the Internet is that what took four centuries to unfold then is occurring in as little as four decades today.

Book Reviews

"If you want the real scoop on opportunities and challenges in banking, healthcare, learning, science, transportation, the entrepreneurial world and the public sector, you must read Macrowikinomics." Hutchison Management

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Wisdom to Share

In order to succeed in a Wiki world, you cannot just think of yourself as a content provider, or as someone creating an initiative, product, or service.

Macrowikinomics is the story of a world with two starkly contrasting realities.

Indeed, the capability of humanity to report, analyze, compose, create, act, perform, produce, and share has never been greater.

With the new Web, the Internet is no longer about idly surfing and passively reading, listening, or watching.

Because patients are engaged, they are managing their own health more effectively, reducing costs and improving outcomes.

education is largely about absorbing content and being able to recall it on exams.

Like past energy revolutions, there will be great payoffs for the countries and companies that master the new technologies early.

The fossil fuel-based economy is coming to an end and a new green energy economy is emerging in its place.

Google Earth makes information that was once inaccessible and hard to understand available to the broader public.

Changes in financial rules and accounting standards must be coordinated globally in the effort to help avoid a recurrence of the economic crisis.

These are not only key business principles; they are principles for achieving a world that is secure, prosperous, just, and sustainable.

Wikinomics, by itself, is not a panacea or a complete recipe to fix all of the world's ailments.

In the new world of wikinomics, the lines between sectors and institutions are blurring.

To be sure, collaborative innovation can have downsides; including tough adjustments for industries whose business models were based on scarcities that no longer exist.

The new world of wikinomics gives organizations an opportunity to tap into new sources of insight and value.

The world began a historic transition from industrial capitalism to a new kind of economy based on new principles and new ways of thinking and behaving.

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