Number of pages: 320
Publisher: Oxford University Press
BBB Library: Politics and Public Affairs
ISBN: 9780199289646
The strategies adopted by governments and public officials can have dramatic effects on people’ live. Packed with examples, and shaped by the author’s practical experience, the book shows that governments which give more weight to the long-term are not only more likely to leave their citizens richer, healthier, and safer; they’re also better protected from being blown off course by short-term pressures.
Creating a Learning Society explains how the countries of the world went from centuries of stagnation to the enormous increases in standards of living that have marked the last two hundred and fifty years: they have learned how to learn. Yet, as Stiglitz and Greenwald make clear, markets won't succeed on
The Effective Public Manager offers public administrators and students a classic resource and a highly-accessible guide to the fundamentals of leading and managing public organizations. The authors cover the key areas of the field and present in-depth analysis through the strategic use of fresh case studies and real-world examples. The book
All the money that people give away might seem a lot, and yet it pales in comparison to the needs we see all around us: urban slums and rural poverty, children in failing schools and children without access to any schooling whatsoever, deforestation and unclean water, crippling diseases of many kinds.
Copyright conversations have become like a battleground between two worldviews. One is that of the mass-media corporations fighting for control of what they understand to be their enclosed garden, generating fruit to be sold on the harvested bushel. They have pushed for and won long and strong copyright – copyright policies
The great economic downturn; tumultuous weather patterns; Ponzi schemes; Occupy protesters; political uncertainty; flash mobs and mall melees make daily headlines. When you hear about catastrophic news, do you ever think about how an unanticipated event might affect your business? The crisis mindset requires being “on and ready for battle” 24-7,
Open government is the notion that the people have the right to access the documents and proceedings of government. The idea that the public has a right to scrutinize and participate in government dates at least to the Enlightenment. Its principles are recognized in virtually every democratic country on the planet.
In Unlocking Public Value, Marty Cole and Greg Parston offer public services practitioners a unique tool to help them capture the mix of goals or outcomes, some reflecting local, some global, concerns, and measure performance in attaining these outcomes. Providing a framework and step-by-step process for defining these outcomes is one