Your Child's Strengths

A Guide for Parents and Teachers

by Jennifer Fox

Number of pages: 368

Publisher: Viking Adult

BBB Library: Parenting, Psychology and Strengths

ISBN: 9780143115175

About the Author

Jennifer Fox has worked in day and boarding schools as a teacher and administrator for twenty five years. Fox is an inspiring master of the strength movement. She accompanied Marcus Buckingham in promoting the "Strength Movement" in New Jersey through her firsthand information as well as practical workbook tools.


Editorial Review

Children are not that different from adults. They want clear and realistic goals, expectations for their futures, and systems that will allow them to arrive at those goals feeling fulfilled and stronger. They also want a voice in setting those goals and expectations for their futures. When children go to a particular college, take up a new hobby, or follow a career path just to please someone else, they end up in position of weakness, not strength.

Book Reviews

"Fox’s strengths-based philosophy provides the tools to prepare kids for the future in a world that demands greater adaptability and creative thinking than ever before."

"Jennifer Fox wrote this book in an effort to change the philosophical conversation about how we raise and educate our children."

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Wisdom to Share

Play is the activity during which people have free reign to explore, invent, express, and act on impulse.

Your job—from your child’s birth until around age twelve—is to notice the unique qualities in your sons and daughters and celebrate those qualities.

Many students make poor choices based on the ratings and find themselves in environments that are not a good match for their personal preferences or their goals.

The message we give children when we say that they have to be outstanding at everything is that they are not good enough just being who they are.

Parents and teachers have fallen into the trap of believing that academic accomplishment is the sole basis for achieving the well-lived life.

All children come into the world bearing gifts; they have strengths and talents inside them, and yet there is the possibility that their uniqueness will go unrecognized.