Bringing Out the Giftedness in Your Child

Nurturing Every Child's Unique Strengths, Talents, and Potential

by Rita Stafford Dunn , Donald J. Treffinger

Number of pages: 224

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, INC.

BBB Library: Parenting

ISBN: 9780471528036

About the Authors

Rita Stafford Dunn : Rita Stafford Dunn was an authority on learning styles, a professor


Donald J. Treffinger : Dr. Treffinger is an educational psychologist who has extensive academic and


Editorial Review

Giftedness should extend far beyond a category or a label; it should certainly not be confined to a score or an IQ or achievement test. The test simplifies the recognition of some talents, but the complex potential of a child’s talents, sustained interests, and special aptitudes cannot be represented by performance on a limited number of questions in a fixed period of time. To rely on achievement test scores to determine giftedness is to say, in effect, that people are gifted because they are good at giving the right answers in the areas the examiners decided are important. Reliance on achievement tests makes it easy to standardize the kinds of talents that are valued. Whatever their original intent, the tests seem to say: if we cannot measure it, it doesn’t matter. So, our definition of giftedness is more demanding, but it’s much more accurate: giftedness is the potential for creative accomplishment over a sustained period of time in a number of different possible fields.

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Wisdom to Share

Giftedness should extend far beyond a category or a label; it should not certainly be confined to a score or an IQ or achievement test.

When we talk of “gifted” children, we’re not referring to only a tiny group of people at the far end of the normal curve

The potential for creative accomplishment—for behavior we could regard as gifted—resides in all children.

By emphasizing the potential present in all children, our approach includes those at the opposite end of the curve, away from giftedness.

Don’t expect your child to be outstanding in every field, or even in many endeavors.

Permit your child to develop his potentials, and allow choices as to how (and how much) those will be nurtured.

Praise and encourage your child for trying to be outstanding in a special area, for succeeding, and for risking failure and sometimes experiencing it.

Don’t expect that giftedness can be developed without problems; it often requires a great deal of parental time, devotion, and effort.

Enjoy children for what they are—not for what you dreamed they’d be.