The Third Screen

The Ultimate Guide to Mobile Marketing

by Chuck Martin

Number of pages: 256

Publisher: Nicholas Brealey Publishing

BBB Library: Sales and Marketing

ISBN: 9781857886238

About the Author

Chuck Martin Is a bestselling author and internationally known business strategist. He is Chairman and CEO of NFI Research.


Editorial Review

Chuck Martin takes readers on a journey from the creation of the first screen to the revolutionary third. Martin describes the cultural and social changes incurred by the first screen (the television) and the second screen (the personal computer), opening up his discussion of how the third screen—the mobile device—is redefining the role of the consumer.

Book Reviews

"I don't think anyone in business can ignore this book. " - American Express

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Wisdom to Share

The third screen revolution provides companies with a great opportunity to interact with customers on a more intimate level, because the smart phone is so personal and close to the user.

. Using the phone as a payment mechanism will evolve and companies will move to location-based selling.

Without appropriate research on the spectrum of mobile features available and on what their particular customers use, business leaders risk missing potential market opportunities.

A customer with a smart phone may “check in” to a location through an app that includes location-based tracking.

Mobile is not incremental, it is transformational.

More than a third of mobile phone users have shopped in stores while on the phone and have asked the person they were talking to about a product.

More than 70% of executives and managers already use their phones for sending and receiving email and more than half are texting.

In a world gone mobile, the individual customer has more control than before.

In a world gone mobile, everything is connected to everything and is accessible from anywhere.

When an untethered consumer loves or hates something, he lets others know in real time.

Mobile consumers are freed from a desktop computer for access to information.

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